I knew that I would be disgruntled about my job during the month of November, yet, it still startles me how much my job consumes my life, my emotions, and my time. I love it and hate it, but always feel I could work it out. That is the sick sadistic nature of teachers...we are addicted to teaching.
We also had some visitors these past couple of months. Wyatt arrived in October to see Tom Waits at the Bridge School Concert. Tom Waits enchanted everyone with his theatrical singing and acting. Wyatt and I remembered the George Mason days over pool, beers, and laughter. There are times I really miss the college days:
I have been working on my Filipino cooking r'epertoire. Here is a sample of the puchero I made while Wyatt was visiting:
The end of October also had birthdays, Halloween, and preparations for the visit in November. Here are the birthday boys (Steve, Nov.2nd; Teddy, Oct. 24th; Geoff, Oct. 23rd):
My superhero costume for Halloween with my "sidekick":
So, now I have a few more weeks of teaching (and mountains of grading) before winter break. Look at the pictures of our Thanksgiving guests and dinner on our Multiply account.