Friday, December 01, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Teacher

It's Friday. What did I do? I got to work at 6:45 am to get out scissors, scapels, tweezers and blunt probes for high school students to use (just think about that for a moment). 7:00 am. After showing two teachers how to breathe right to reduce stress (another unit taught in a different class), I proceeded to practice an eye dissection, completing such activity in 5 is now 7:45 am.

After pushing tables together, prepping a computer lab, and finding a video at the library for 5th period (I need a break), I rest for 5 minutes (drink water and breathe), then prepare for the kids (it is now 8:45 am).

Seven hours, one vomiting student, one meeting, and a smelly classroom later...they have left. Now I need to clean up from today and prep for Monday. students tomorrow and I can lie in bed (see weekends.). Beer anyone?

1 comment:

Jude said...

Hon, It just pains me to see how hard you work and your passion for children that may not even care. You really deserve a "wabbit"